- "Can't you just call in sick?"
- "It will only take a minute, and then I will be in for dinner."
contributed by Janet Nicol
- "Oh, so you don't have a job?
said to the very busy farming mom
- "Just one more round. . ." And, then four hours later. . .
contributed by Paula Thomas
- "Everyone is alright but. . ."
- "Can you have that baby, get married, (fill in the blank__________) after harvest? Preferably not during hunting season.
- "Isn't the county fair the same thing as a vacation?
- "Can't I bid just one more time?"
overheard at more than one livestock auction
- "Everyone is alright, but. . ."
contributed by Faith Britton
- "The sheep are out, and the bus is coming!"
overheard in Chuckery more than once!